- Albert Einstein
During our english lesson we had to write an essay on a subject that might interest oneself, so after thinking about it I decided to pick one that someone wouldn't normally write about without reading about it. I decided to create my own theory on dimensional pockets in other words something explaining how there are more than one "Universe" out there (abstractly "out there"?).
Well the theory starts here. Let me point out that I haven't really studied space and nor have I rechecked whether or not certain things such as the talk about a red giant are as factual as I make it sound. Anyway, the entire Universe and "beyond." Gravity, mass, the flow of time and other abstract things, concepts, such as those, interest even random amateurs such as myself.
It's theorized that the Universe is a constrantly reviving "thing." Something that dies again only to be born once again from its remains, from the never disappearing "energy." My example would be the Sun. When a Sun, a star, is in the last stretch of its life, it will turn into what is known as a "red giant" and envelop a massive space by expanding, the heat energy that is packed in the Sun and other forms of energy, such as light, run out and the red giant with an insurmountable amount of size and mass, both which create gravity that pulls even planets towards itself, turns into a "white dwarf" with little to no sign of its previous life left in it. It's dead to us. However, the life force it used to hold in known as energy has not disappeared out of "existence," only moved elsewhere in the Universe's pocket dimension of space, but that energy can never escape the Universe because concepts, laws of physics and everything else can only exist inside this particular Universe that we are aware of. Oh, and nor has the energy appeared out of nowhere either.
As we currently know, the Universe is created by a "Big Bang", an explosion that happens when all the energy in the space and time of the dimension is condensed into a single ridicilously small (gold ball or even less-sized) point, with space and time itself. My earlier example of the Sun goes with the life of the Universe also dying; expanding and afterwards turning into a "white dwarf" of its own, however, the "energy" contained inside the Universe is only limited to being able to exist inside our Universe's space, because of its laws of physics holding such rules, so it can't escape despite of the pocket dimension getting smaller and smaller. And when it's at its tiniest point... BOOM! An explosion happens once again, as it had happened much more than merely billions of years ago, and the Universe is technically "reborn" once again, almost like the legendary mythical creature "
Phoenix", as the energy in the explosion starts stretching the walls/borders of the space and it keeps expanding at many, many times faster than the speed of light, according to some scientists that study space.

Mm.... Perhaps the connection between the Universes would be something akin to water droplets that create the sea. The pull in protons, neutrons->atoms->molecules.