Saturday, August 13, 2016

What is your dream

"While many can pursue their dreams in solitude, other dreams are like great storms blowing hundreds, even thousands of dreams apart in their wake. Dreams breathe life into men and can cage them in suffering. Men live and die by their dreams. But long after they have been abandoned they still smolder deep in men's hearts. Some see nothing more than life and death. They are dead, for they have no dreams." 
- Griffith from 'Berserk'

Lack of motivation, anxiety, downwards spiral in morality, negative thoughts, effort, time, money, feel of accomplishment, senses, thoughts and excitement. These different concepts and many other may have taken place in different fprms and ways in your everyday life during small things you like doing, wasting your time on, so to say. Coming home from basketball practise, doing everything you can to get noticed at work in hopes of promotion one day. Sweat and tears from positivity and negativity. Tonight I was thinking of the time it would take to write many stories as I have some in mind, but one which is still a work in progress, though not far from end, is still annoying me as I haven't yet found the motivation to finish it. Simplest way would be just to finish it. Write. That's easy in all technicality, however as I thought about these works something somehow surprising came into my mind... Why do I want to put all of the effort into imagining something like a novel series? After thinking about it for a while I still couldn't come up with any real explanation other than "I just want to see if anyone can create popular series" which is just a roundabout way of saying "I want people to buy my creations" no matter what it is. It's not enough of an answer for me.

So I would imagine many other have vague ideas of wanting to do things without a clear long-time goal in mind. You'd want to spend time doing something you enjoy or once enjoyed doing and have become fairly good at doing it over the course of your life, right? For me, I believe that thinking about what first motivated me to become invested in the art of novel writing would be a great help in figuring, molding out the form for what I truly want. Well, gathering the motivation and energy to actually physically do it is another thing.

Thriving for your dream goal may be hard, very, very hard. It's a dream for a reason, right? Many people are going to say things that will hurt your pride. People that don't truly even matter. Teachers, people on net, co-workers you barely even know. Anyone can potentially say something to you that they won't realize will without doubt hurt you, burn you from inside out. It's important to realize that nothing should stand in your way if it's irrelevant and unmotivational. Go watch motivational videos. You will have earned the place to keep going, to never stop from people saying "don't do this right now" or "you can't do that" or "this is not good at all, you should really stop" if you, yourself, know that you've put your all into doing something and hate it when people who don't understand your passion say something that they won't even realize the meaning of. Everyone's a different type of individual from the inside, much like our fingerprints.Anyway... Don't let people control your thoughts, especially the important ones. Chances are that they're not any better than, in fact they are most likely less experienced at what you do and you're not  the one in the wrong.

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